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    Select a date
    • Selected
    • Not Available
    There are no dates available
    After midnight ({{vm.getDateAsString(vm.dayAfterDate)}})
    Select a time ({{vm.getDateAsString(}})
    After midnight ({{vm.getDateAsString(vm.dayAfterDate)}})
    There are no available time slots
    Number of tickets
    There are no prices available
    Select meals
    Remaining: {{vm.getRemainingMeals()}}

    Total € {{vm.getTotalPrice() | number : 2}}

Tour Highlights

  • Enjoy a 2+ hour boat tour
  • Choose your favourite pizza
  • Spend the early evening on the water

Stockholm boat tour with pizza

Seeing Stockholm with a boat tour is a must during any visit to the Swedish capital. It is the best way to see this city of islands. Doing so with a 2+ hour boat tour that includes a delicious pizza from local pizzeria Vår Pizza, makes the whole experience even better.

The Pizza Cruise in Stockholm will take you from the Royal Palace, around Skeppsholmen, along the coast of Djurgården, and around the beautiful island of Fjäderholmarna. On the way back to the Royal Palace, the boat takes a little detour to Lake Hammarby, one of the hidden gems of Stockholm.

Enjoy a fresh hot pizza on board a boat

You can choose the pizza you want to eat on board when you book the tickets. You can choose between:

  • Margherita
  • Pepperoni
  • Hawaii
  • Capricciosa
  • Vegetarian (potato)

The bar on board the boat is open throughout the cruise, here you can order numerous types of drinks as well as dessert! Vår Pizza is a popular local pizzeria with 5 locations throughout Stockholm and they will deliver the fresh from the oven pizzas straight to the boat.

Book your pizza cruise in Stockholm

The Stockholm pizza cruise is a great way to relax at the end of a day of sightseeing. For a little over two hours, you can simply sit back and enjoy your pizza and the views of the city. It is the unique dinner options in Stockholm you are looking for.

  • Pizza of your choice
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Drinks and dessert available for purchase on board

  • Departure in front of the Royal Palace on Gamla Stan
  • Check-in 15 minutes before departure
  • Rescheduling and cancellation possible up to 24 hours in advance
  • Same price for all ages